Skin provider

Select the option for your task

Help & API

CatalogueSIH API Documentation

Patch Notes

Version 1.1.4

Added project verification window in the "Buying" section.
Revamped and improved the project verification window in the "P2P" section.
Fixed visual bugs and optimized the service.

Version 1.1.3

Added 2FA functionality and the ability to withdraw project balances.
SIH now allows you to enable 2FA to enhance account security.

roject owners in the "Selling" section can withdraw their funds using their preferred method.

Visual bugs have been fixed, and service optimization has been carried out.

Version 1.1.2

Added new "Selling" system to the "Skin Provider" section
The "Selling" feature allows you to create a project, connect via API documentation, and use it to sell your items in our store.
Visual bugs fixed and service optimization performed.

Version 1.1.1

Added New Filters: "Delivery Guarantee" System
Now you can select the price range of items that will be covered by the "delivery guarantee" and set the maximum markup for an item.

Visual bugs have been fixed and service optimization has been carried out.

Version 1.1.0

Addition of the "Delivery Guarantee" System
Now you can be sure to get the item you need.
Just specify the possible price range, and we will look for the best possible deal.

Additionally, the option to limit the markup to $10 has been added.

Help & API

CatalogueSIH API Documentation

Patch Notes

Version 1.1.4

Added project verification window in the "Buying" section.
Revamped and improved the project verification window in the "P2P" section.
Fixed visual bugs and optimized the service.

Version 1.1.3

Added 2FA functionality and the ability to withdraw project balances.
SIH now allows you to enable 2FA to enhance account security.

roject owners in the "Selling" section can withdraw their funds using their preferred method.

Visual bugs have been fixed, and service optimization has been carried out.

Version 1.1.2

Added new "Selling" system to the "Skin Provider" section
The "Selling" feature allows you to create a project, connect via API documentation, and use it to sell your items in our store.
Visual bugs fixed and service optimization performed.

Version 1.1.1

Added New Filters: "Delivery Guarantee" System
Now you can select the price range of items that will be covered by the "delivery guarantee" and set the maximum markup for an item.

Visual bugs have been fixed and service optimization has been carried out.

Version 1.1.0

Addition of the "Delivery Guarantee" System
Now you can be sure to get the item you need.
Just specify the possible price range, and we will look for the best possible deal.

Additionally, the option to limit the markup to $10 has been added.

Help & API

CatalogueSIH API Documentation

Patch Notes

Version 1.1.4

Added project verification window in the "Buying" section.
Revamped and improved the project verification window in the "P2P" section.
Fixed visual bugs and optimized the service.

Version 1.1.3

Added 2FA functionality and the ability to withdraw project balances.
SIH now allows you to enable 2FA to enhance account security.

roject owners in the "Selling" section can withdraw their funds using their preferred method.

Visual bugs have been fixed, and service optimization has been carried out.

Version 1.1.2

Added new "Selling" system to the "Skin Provider" section
The "Selling" feature allows you to create a project, connect via API documentation, and use it to sell your items in our store.
Visual bugs fixed and service optimization performed.

Version 1.1.1

Added New Filters: "Delivery Guarantee" System
Now you can select the price range of items that will be covered by the "delivery guarantee" and set the maximum markup for an item.

Visual bugs have been fixed and service optimization has been carried out.

Version 1.1.0

Addition of the "Delivery Guarantee" System
Now you can be sure to get the item you need.
Just specify the possible price range, and we will look for the best possible deal.

Additionally, the option to limit the markup to $10 has been added.